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Massive Soundworks


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  • The absolute finest impulse responses available today
  • Multiple formats: 32bit/96k, 24bit/96k, 24bit/48k, 16bit/44.1k
  • Each microphone in 6 positions across the speaker
  • Each microphone in multiple sweet spots
  • 8 pre-mixed popular microphone combinations
  • Additional pre-processed sweet spots and mixes specifically designed for live use
  • Additional Minimum Phase Transformed (MPT) versions of everything for use with other companies’ IRs



Tone Guide: Slightly scooped with a focused, but smooth high midrange. One of our favorites.

These are captures of a Warehouse Guitar Speakers Invader® speaker. According to the manufacturer, the tone of this speaker lands somewhere between a Greenback and a Creamback. While this is a good point of reference, this speaker has a voice all it's own and you are going to love it. This is an interesting one very polished, round low end meet sweet, silky upper mids and clarity. We love to use this IR for thickening rhythm guitars while retaining clarity. Strangely, the INV almost makes high gain guitars sound multi-tracked. Seriously, just get it.


These are impulse responses captured using a MESA Engineering Rectifier ® 4x12 Traditional Cabinet. This is widely regarded as a must-have studio cabinet for its ultra tight bottom end and cutting, yet smooth upper midrange. This is the cabinet most often used in modern metal by the genre’s top producers.


  • Shure SM57 (x2  on/off-axis, and Fredman technique) 
  • Royer R121
  • Beyerdynamic M160
  • AKG C414 XLS
  • Sennheiser MD421
  • Sennheiser e906
  • Audio Technica AE2500 Dual-Capsule Microphone
  • Rode NTR

Each microphone is captured in 6 positions across the cone in addition to multiple sweet spots, curated by listening, moving microphones, capturing, re-capturing, and re-re-capturing, until perfect.


No time or expense is spared in creating MASSIVE impulse responses. The best in modern and vintage microphones feed the finest cabling into boutique analog preamps selected on a per-speaker basis. The signal is then converted using our world-class A/D into the digital realm at 32 bit floating point, 96k, where it remains throughout processing until conversion into the multiple formats included in the collection